Windscreen Medics

Melbourne, VIC


Professional Windscreen Rubber Resealing in Melbourne

Is your car's windshield rubber seal damaged due to age or the intense heat of Melbourne?

If water is getting in through the windshield or a whistling sound is coming from the car while driving, the rubber seals may have worn out. The experts at Windscreen Medics can replace the rubber seal on your windshield on the spot.

First, we'll remove your windscreen glass and clean the existing rubber seal so it's ready for new installation. Then, we replace the broken glass with a brand-new one after giving the old one a fresh rubber seal.

We'll bring our fully-equipped mobile service centers to you so we can work on your car there. You don't have to visit us because we'll come to you.

CALL: 0391-236-458


Get in touch with us if you have any queries and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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Cracked Windscreen Rubber Seal Repairs

The window rubber seal around your windshield may sometimes dry out or get damaged at some point. The black rubber seals of your car's windscreen might degrade due to exposure to the sun's UV rays, bad weather, a warm environment, or simply time and use.

Because the rubber seal is essential in keeping the windshield in place and maintaining the support it provides for your car's structure; a technician will tell you to get it checked for repair or windscreen replacements as soon as possible to prevent further damage. Regular maintenance services are the best strategy to get an update on its status, and if you're happy with how things stand, you should give the go-ahead as soon as feasible.

Your search for windscreen repair advice likely stems from the unpleasant experience of discovering mold, mildew, brittle spots, or even a puddle of water on the dashboard. You may have observed these symptoms before, but it was only a long drive in the rain or a trip through the car wash that you truly understood what they meant.

This month, the experts at Windscreen Medics are available to determine the source of the problem and recommend effective methods for repairing the windscreen leak. These include using duct tape, resealing the corners, injecting resin into cracks and chips, and replacing the window screen.


Everything You Should Know About Car Window Seal Repair

Windscreens exist between your vehicle’s hood and the interior, protecting you from bad weather and the elements. Rubber seals and weatherstripping serve as a cushion against both metal and glass.

Wherever your car has glass, it probably has some adhesive sealant in place. Otherwise, air and water would seep in wither while parked or driving. You will see when your vehicle makes louder noise or has wet seats. Reach out to Windscreen Medics for windscreen replacement or repair of your car’s rubber seals.

Warning Signs of Faulty Windscreen Rubber Sealing in Melbourne

The window rubber seal is an essential part of your vehicle. It requires replacement as soon as possible if it's damaged. The warning signs that your windscreens rubber sealing needs replacement in Melbourne are;

  • Water leaking while washing the car or if you are driving in the rain
  • Brittle spots or cracks are noticeable on the windscreen rubber sealing
  • You hear a whistling sound while driving your car
  • The windscreen rubber seal seems to be moving or appears elevated
  • The rubber seal and the windscreen bonding look to be peeling off.

Windscreen Rubber Sealing Replacement in Melbourne

These are the steps that our technicians take to fix malfunctioned windscreen rubber sealing in Melbourne;

  • At the time of manufacture, the window rubber seal is joined to the window frame.
  • The rubber seal and window frame are disjoined by dipping them in an adhesive remover.
  • We then peel the rubber seal off the glass pane with the help of pliers.
  • One segment of the seal is disconnected for easier removal.
  • A new windscreen rubber seal is fixed by bonding the rubber seal &window frame with an industry-grade adhesive.

Increase Safety with Windscreen Resealing

Many people need to notice how crucial their windscreen is for their vehicle's safety. It genuinely plays a significant role in adding structural strength to your car during collisions.

Still, the windshield should be sealed in place for it to offer structural safety. If you realize that your windscreen rubber seal seems broken, cracked, or damaged, you must get it fixed immediately.

Contact Windscreen Medics today with details about your vehicle. We will provide you with a list of services with a free quote to come and complete the work onsite.


Rubber Resealing Process We Offer;

Windshield removal

If your current windshield is not broken or cracked, we can remove it and put it back on. This saves you money by eliminating the cost of a complete windscreen replacement.

Glass & vehicle cleaning

Once after removing the windshield, we clean the car and glass thoroughly to remove all fragments of the old rubber.

New sealant application

We use industry-leading products, equipment, and tools to prime the bonding surface and apply an adhesive sealant.

Windshield refit

We secure your windshield glass back into your vehicle, creating a new rubber seal with no gaps, just like new.

Windscreen Replacements Can Have New Seals Too!

If something heavy broke your windshield and made it useless, we can replace it on the spot. As part of this service, a new rubber seal is installed around the new windshield. This guarantees that the newly installed glass will fit your car like it was made for it. That ensures there will be no further water damage. However, if your windscreen is cracked or broken, you need to get a replacement. To help you save money, we provide a rubber resealing service so that you can reuse your existing glass.

How much does it typically cost to reseal a windscreen with rubber? Well, that is vehicle-specific. Tell us about your vehicle and the damage that happened to it. After that, you can call or email us for an accurate quote.

We are Melbourne’s Best Windscreen Rubber Re-Sealer

Don't hesitate to contact us by phone, text, or email anytime. You, the customers, are always our top priority. This includes ensuring your vehicles are as secure as possible while spending as little as possible on repairs and maintenance.

CALL: 0391-236-458

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